
Legendary Socceroos recluse to advise Matildas on dealing with pressure

Legendary Socceroos recluse to advise Matildas on dealing with pressure

Socceroos legend Lucas Neill has broken a six-year silence to take up a role within FFA that will see him advise UK-based Matildas on dealing with the pressure of professional football. 1 Oct 2020
Matildas show the perfect way to introduce a new coach

Matildas show the perfect way to introduce a new coach

It all began in Hollywood style, the equivalent of a teaser trailer was posted across FFA social media: “Major announcement, Tuesday 29 September 7pm” and the anticipation built throughout the day until an introductory panel was broadcast across multiple platforms. 1 Oct 2020
FFA go in-house to address Matildas youth concerns

FFA go in-house to address Matildas youth concerns

FFA have gone in-ranks to appoint Rae Dower as their women's technical advisor to address critical pathway issues with the next generation of Matildas and W-League talent. 25 Sep 2020
FFA to appoint 'crucial' new Matildas development figures 'in coming days'

FFA to appoint 'crucial' new Matildas development figures 'in coming days'

FFA are planning to announce a series of appointments aimed at rejuvenating the Junior and Young Matildas pathways over the next few days. 22 Sep 2020
FFA reveal Matildas 'platinum generation' coach selection process

FFA reveal Matildas 'platinum generation' coach selection process

The current Matildas are the "platinum generation" superior to the Socceroos' golden generation team according to FFA CEO James Johnson, who is spearheading the coach selection process. 22 Sep 2020
FFA 'consulting with Nike' on Matildas kit backflip

FFA 'consulting with Nike' on Matildas kit backflip

Outrage over the absence of women's sizes for the new Matildas away kit have led FFA to enter negotiations with Nike on attempting to redress the issue. 20 Sep 2020
Players give A-League clubs two week deadline to pay wages

Players give A-League clubs two week deadline to pay wages

The Australian footballers' players union, the PFA, have given A-League clubs a two-week deadline to pay their wages before they take legal action, according to News Corp. 17 Sep 2020
New Matildas, Socceroos deal retains 'gender equality' but W-League future uncertain

New Matildas, Socceroos deal retains 'gender equality' but W-League future uncertain

The Matildas will retain 50% of national team revenue throughout the COVID19 shutdown, in a revised CBA agreement formed with the Socceroos by FFA and PFA. 17 Sep 2020
Australia bid to host more Asian Cup qualifiers

Australia bid to host more Asian Cup qualifiers

FFA have launched a bid to host another set of U/20 Asian Cup qualification matches, this time in the regional Victorian town of Shepparton. 16 Sep 2020
FFA and NPL prioritising 'collaboration' in football's new age

FFA and NPL prioritising 'collaboration' in football's new age

As the A-League's clubs and players fracture, FFA and NPL clubs have never seemed more united as Australia moves towards a national second tier. 16 Sep 2020
Former Socceroo, technical director among new Aussies elected to AFC

Former Socceroo, technical director among new Aussies elected to AFC

Three new Australian faces have been elected to various AFC Committees as FFA celebrate a step in the right direction for Australia's inclusion in Asia. 15 Sep 2020
Sydney, City, Victory players look safest in A-League dispute

Sydney, City, Victory players look safest in A-League dispute

Some A-League players are preparing for another financial setback as the collective bargaining agreement dispute between clubs and the PFA rolls on. 14 Sep 2020
A-League clubs set to stand-down players as independence nears horror start

A-League clubs set to stand-down players as independence nears horror start

A-League clubs could stand down their players today with the PFA reportedly set to reject the staggered 30% pay cuts on offer in a reduced CBA deal to compensate for financial losses due to the COVID19 pandemic and Fox Sports' reduced funding. 14 Sep 2020
FFA keeping distance from independent A-League, PFA negotiations

FFA keeping distance from independent A-League, PFA negotiations

FFA have justified their relative silence on the ongoing new CBA negotiations between the PFA and A-League clubs, by insisting that this is the process towards an independent A-League. 11 Sep 2020
OP-ED: 'Transfer fees and W-League growth are FFA's key principles'

OP-ED: 'Transfer fees and W-League growth are FFA's key principles'

The current situation Australian football finds itself in may be a blessing in disguise. While financial uncertainty is never a good thing, a chance to re-assess and build towards a realistic business model is an opportunity FFA should grab with both hands. 11 Sep 2020
Farina slams coaching: 'The game is producing robots'

Farina slams coaching: 'The game is producing robots'

Former Socceroo and Socceroos coach, Frank Farina, has lashed the current coaching curriculum and many of the coaches its producing. 4 Sep 2020